No excuses
i am home sick from work today, so i have no excuses to not post an entry. *i just realized that sentence makes it sound like work has made me sick - hmmm...
i have had a dry, hacking cough since monday morning, and it is driving me crazy. i have no health insurance, so i refuse to go to the doctor to have them tell me "drink lots of fluids." the worst part has been not being able to get restful sleep, because my throat feels like it's on fire. i tried the nyquil route last night, but was awakened at 1:20am by zieak shouting "at 300 already!" he's been sleep-talking a lot lately, and the blurts seem to get more loud and urgent each night. the night before he said something about skin-cutting knives. last night i went and got a pad of paper and pen for my side of the bed, so that i can record it when it happens, otherwise i have a hard time remembering what it was he said exactly.
i am going to seattle on the 24th to see my father. he is making the trip up from oregon to see my sister, so we're meeting halfway. the phone conversation we had the other night was great, we both fell right back into being comfortable, catching up, laughing. neither of us had an excuse or reason why we had lost contact, so it was kind of hard to figure out what did happen. the tests of his lymph-nodes came back clear, it had not spread, so that was great news. now we can work on rebuilding a relationship, which i plan on doing plenty of maintenance on year-round.
hmmm, what else? our newspaper this week was frightening, my team came in second in trivia last night (losing to a team called "Bugs & Drooze,) the sun has been shining down all week, i can't stop thinking about the second season of 24 (which we're 3/4 of the way through - f*&%ing good television,) and the cats are being super cute. i leave you now with some kittie pics:

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