Musical chair
my chair does not fit anymore, the space i spend the majority of my day in does not fit anymore. my chair has been taken away only for the reason of technology, of ever expanding, ever confusing, ever relentless technology. how i took you for granted chair, how i had levers and knobs set just so, your cushion forming to my derriere, knowing the curves. now i must be cordial to this replacement, this phony chair, who as a chair is quite comfortable, but is not what i know or want. i push off with confident calves to roll backwards, only to find my tacky soles sticking, the defiant legs of this chair staunch, not allowing movement. my wrists, delicate and concerning, now sit at the wrong angle. i may be like an injured bird one day, tucking my broken wing under all my feathers, preening oh so carefully, one-winged.
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