welcome to the dollhouse
So, friday night we were at Seth's house for bbq'd brats and booze. He has had the idea for a special photo shoot. He busts out this huge box of porcelain dolls he got off ebay, and assigns us some homework. We each took one, and were to get as creative as we possibly could with our doll. I knew right away what i wanted to do with mine. Even though it's not that creative, it was damn fun. Our projects are due this friday evening, so i have some free time to goof off now. Here she is beforehand, isn't she lovely?

She needed a little haircut to achieve the look i was after. I then took a can of black spraypaint to her beautiful, luxurious hair.

I could never be a surgeon, not with my shaky hands. It took some real careful penciling, but i think i got it just right. This is my finished product, and i'm quite proud. I will reluctantly give her back to Seth, and hope for a B or above.

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