Yes, i went quite a while with no updates. But now that my dad went and got himself the
best phone ever, we are able to text and catch up, and i use texting a lot with my other family members and friends too. Texting may be one of the greatest inventions of all time, i love it. I really have no excuse for going so long without posting, especially since i got an
early birthday present. So here are a few pictures to show whats been happening the last month.

Zieak and i went to san antonio in the middle of october. Work for him, play for me. We got to meet up with our friend matt who lives in houston now and his new girlfriend. While zieak was in a session one day, we took a little tour of the alamo. It was not as impressive as i expected. There has been so much development around the building itself, it was hard to feel the history. I managed to only get a few pictures there, and that was it for camera use in texas. I really should carry it with me more. It is quite bulky, and doesn't fit into the small cute purses i like to carry. The texas state fair just happened to be going on while we were in dallas, so that's what we spent our last evening doing. We didn't get there until about 7, so most of the livestock had been corralled out, but we did see a huge pile of bacon (a prize-winning pig.) We went on a wicked twisty ride, and ate pretzels, corndogs, and fried alligator. That was my first state fair, and if there's one state who goes all out, it'd be texas. It was pretty neat y'all.

One week after we got back was the bar halloween parties. We started the evening at hilary and andy's house, where the drunkest girl scouts i've ever seen showed up. Troop 69 was in the house, proud of their patches which included "threesome" "duck fart" and "porn star." Then the naked hippies arrived, causing the loudest laughter by far. I needed some liquid courage in order to enter any costume contests, and i suceeded in time to win third place at the harbor bar and first place at kitos. I won enough money to pay for my costume and drinks for the evening plus some. I wish halloween happened three times a year. Zieak and ryan went as the
guys from CHiPS, but it seems the citizns of petersburg don't applaud officers of the law. A great night was had by all.
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