Meat market
Zieak and i are in Portland, Oregon while i attend a gift show with one of my coworkers. He gets to be the tag-along this time. Rory moved down here last april, and my father and his wife live in southern oregon, so we had plenty of distractions.

Portland seems like a cool town, but we only had four nights to form an opinion. Rory took us out on the town saturday night, and boy, did i form a strong opinion. Lets just say i came up with a NOT To Do list for the newly-of-drinking-age female population of portland. (*this is my opinion only - not to be taken seriously)
- Most of the girls looked like they had spent at least two hours putting on layer after layer of makeup and coat after coat of hairspray. Less is more girls.
- Muffintops were abound.
- If you're going to wear black tights with a pink miniskirt, go right ahead. You'll probably look really cute. Just don't let the top of the tights protrude above the waist of the skirt. Not cute.
- If you MUST make out with your best friend, don't bother rushing into an out of order bathroom stall made of see-through material. I understand not wanting to do it on the dancefloor in front of a crowd of drooling jocks, but you're not invisible in that stall, and you're just tracking around more of the disgusting toilet overflow.
- When there is a shy girl handing out paper towels and keeping the ladies room in an acceptable condition (*different bar) don't ignore her and exclaim "oh my GOD, all this stuff is FREE to use?" and proceed to stink up the small space and leave without tipping.
Am i just getting grumpy in my old-age? I did manage to have a lot of fun that night, ending up at a salsa bar where zieak and i received brief drunk salsa lessons from rory's brother and his girlfriend. I wish we had more than four nights, there is so much more to see and do.

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