For Karna
As i mentioned in a previous post, things have gotten pretty busy 'round here. Resulting in a lack of posts. But i can't have karna annoyed, especially when its her finals week. She must stay focused. So here are some tales from my life recently:
Last week on thursday i came home from work to find a white grocery bag sitting on the front porch. I thought some generous person must have dropped off some seafood or something. I picked up the bag and started to feel it, massaging its contents to try and decipher what was inside. Well, a big whiff to the bag confirmed that is was not seafood, but catfood. Digested and dispensed catfood. Zieak had cleaned the litter box earlier, stuck it outside to bring to the bin later, and forgotten about it. Gag.
Oh, but the grossness doesnt stop there. Friday morning i popped my handful of vitamins into my mouth and lifted my nalgene water bottle up to my mouth to wash them down. Luckily i glanced into the bottle, for there was a curled-up spider carcass floating in my water. I am shuddering just typing about it. I started this weird low shrieking, my vitamins sitting on my damp tongue creating an odious sludge. I ran into the bathroom where zieak stood, all concerned and confused. I showed him the bottle quickly before thrusting the contents into the sink. Sick.
Oh yeah, my alcohol-induced friendliness resulted in us spending $2000 this weekend. Wow, that sentence should be followed with a way better story, but alas, here is the truth. I introduced myself to a young hip guy i'd never seen before in kitos, and it turned out that he was a kirby vacuum salesman. I gave him my cell number and the next day we were the proud owners of one of the most amazing inventions i've ever witnessed. Really, if you can afford it and care about your carpets being clean, it truly is amazing. And i'm not going to get any commission for referring any of y'all if thats what you're thinkin.
A week from today we leave for fairbanks, yay yay! Time for some mcdonalds, movie theater popcorn, and people-watching. For some reason that activity isnt as much fun when you know everyone in town.
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