Thursday, March 09, 2006

Where does the time go

Recently it has come up a number of times just how busy i am all the time. Even though i have no children. I dont know how real parents do it. Between search and rescue, 4th of july committee, social obligations, work, friends' weddings, book-keeping for zieak, thrift-store shopping, and trying to make it to the weight room, this spring is bound to get worse. And continue into summer. I'm not complaining by any means, most of the commitments are volunteer, but it is slowly beginning to wear on me. Falling into bed at 10 completely exhausted helps with a good nights sleep, thats for sure. Traveling the few times i have planned will help break it up too - i am accompanying zieak on a work trip to fairbanks in the beginning of april, and then my work is sending me to vegas (again!) in june for some CE classes. It is the week before the 4th of july, which means we will really have to hustle to have everything in order before we even leave. For that reason, i doubted going at first, but only for about half a second.

Three years ago i would never have thought i could survive without cable television. Nowadays, i may not be able to participate in some pop culture-referencing conversations, but i dont mind - not at all.