she said "chinchilla"
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i am going crazy in this tiny regrettably pink office [the color on the card was much more appealing]
the sun is beating down outside, and all i want to do is go sit in it, maybe silent maybe talking, i would throw french fries at the crow who sits upon the balcony at our restaurant and poops while we are trying to enjoy our meal. i would look at zieak with his longish wavy hair which is starting to take over his head like fertilized vines and call him a goddamn hipster, to which he would grin and maybe giggle a little. i would have to get in my car at some point but my fingers would be quick to lower all the windows and press the volume button [upper part] over and over and to turn the key in the ignition to allow the hot black wheels to start moving forward over the hot pavement. maybe when i got home the cats would be all like "we're hot, we are just going to lounge in the shadows on the porch, but first PET US." maybe from now on when i see those surveys that ask what kind of animal you would be if you could be any animal, i will [in my mind of course] choose cat. nap and eat whenever i like, nuzzle up to my owner who will scratch and pet me no matter what they may be doing and purrrrrr to convey my pleasure. i would not pee where i am not supposed to, and i would leave other cats alone. yes, i think i could be the perfect cat. Meow.
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