weirdness and wounds
Doo-doo-doo-doo Doo-doo-doo-doo [you have now entered the Twilight Zone] Today at work i had that All-American Rejects song "Move Along" stuck in my head for some reason. It certainly wasnt because i had heard it recently (as we have been without music for well over a month... dont ask.) I do a bank run every afternoon, and guess what song just happened to be playing when i walked into wells fargo. Oh, but it doesnt stop there. I saunter up to the only open tellers window, and have kind of a dazed look on my face, realizing what the background music really is. At this point she takes the deposit i've prepared, starts to count it out, and awkwardly flips her pen out of her delicate fingers. She giggles and says "my hand just started shaking..." Half a milli-second before the cute boy who can sing croons "hands are shaking cold..."
Aaaaaaaa i wish my day had stayed weird. In reality it got painful. We scored a free flatbed trailer from someone who didnt need one anymore, and in the process of loading it onto my trailer hitch i had an excruciating pain hit my left wrist. If i wasnt convinced i'm getting carpal tunnel in my right wrist from all the 10-keying i do, i'd swear it had hit me hard in my left. But i do nothing with my left hand. 'Cept pick my nose. ANYWAYS... We then came home and instead of putting all my grocery bags, purse and jacket down, bending over and untying my shoelaces, i tried flipping one shoe off at the heel with the toe of the other. Needless to say, my toenail ended up bent back far enough that i had to trim it down to the tender skin. [ouch] And my toenails were looking so nice and even for all the sandal weather we're headed to in vegas on saturday!
Oh, in case you read my blog and not zieaks too [what?] we went to dinner last week at the chinese place. Our cookie fortunes read: "You will soon vacation in a place of warm climate" and "Wealth awaits you very soon." Yesssssssssss.
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