Zieak and i have known for awhile that we wanted to take a foreign trip this fall or winter. When the news broke that our friend seth would be getting married in Vietnam, we both agreed that would be an excellent opportunity. But then it bounced back and forth, mexico was mentioned, and south america, costa rica... All i knew was that my passport was going to expire in october of this year. So back in may i mailed in my old one with a renewal application. While browsing the internet, i discovered some forums that were saying with the new requirements in effect, passports were taking up to 6 months to be processed. I was scared mine wouldnt be done in time. Especially when we bit the bullet and booked our tickets to asia. But turns out, renewals take much less longer, and i just received mine back today.
Now, i am completely perplexed by what accompanied my two passports in the priority mail envelope. The standard pamphlet with travel tips and information was there, but here's where it gets weird... A staples-brand sheet cover that was holding two pieces of jewelry - a small brooch with an opal of some kind, and a broken anklet with little hearts on it. Ummmm, i have never owned any jewelry even similar to it, and i have no clue how to even go about finding out where the hell it came from. Any suggestions?
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