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I just got done reading about the Yale student who is preparing an art exhibit about her self-induced miscarriages... I am completely and utterly disgusted. Now, i am like 98% pro-choice (with the 2% exclusion just because of women who abuse abortion as birth control) but this is just ridiculous. There are some who claim that it is a hoax. Whether or not it is - and i doubt that it will ever be proven - doesnt matter to me right now. I am just appalled that an obviously bright, well-educated student would consider and actually complete a project like this. You'll have to read the article to get her reasons for doing it. I am upset over so many things. She is practically laughing in the face of every woman who cannot naturally conceive on her own. Not to mention women who want an abortion but cant afford it or the expenses occurred when getting one. And her lack of concern over the potential long-term harm she has done to her own body... I might feel less heated towards it if she had openly admitted she was doing it for shock-factor. But she doesnt. She claims she is trying to "spark conversation and debate on the relationship between art and the human body." Ok crazy, launch your naked body covered in menstrual fluid you've collected for nine months onto a canvas made out of woven human hair. There, you've accomplished your goal without proving that you are a masturbatory attention-seeker.
Hmmmmm, maybe not.....
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