Creepy day
I've always been a little jealous of the conspiracy theorist who frequents the bike shop. Mike constantly has stories about a certain fellow who will stand around for hours and expound on numerous random subjects. Mike could fill a blog with all of them (hint hint.) Well, today i had the pleasure of enjoying his company at Lux - he must have seen the "adult section" sign in the window because thats what he was most interested in. He kept repeating how great it was that there was one in this town. I thought the conversation was going to stay disappointingly tame, until he went to leave. He turned to me and said "You know, this town is full of prudes, who, behind closed doors, are just as evil evil evil... I could name quite a few, and you dont have to start any further than our own police station." I guess i need some pointers from Mike on how to react, because all i could do was raise my eyebrows and give an incredulous look. Then i nervously said "have a good day" as he wandered off.
The other creepy episode can be found over on Karna's blog... it didnt affect me but is still creepy nonetheless.
In other news, my best friend from high school just told me she made out with a pretty famous celebrity... I would post his name but my sister just informed me he is married. I guess if you marry a high-status celeb you have to be somewhat aware that stuff like that is going to happen. But my friend is innocent, she didnt know who he was when they met. Lets hope there's not a look-alike roaming around Seattle!
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