Gotta use it... Its a Historic Moment
I have been planted on my fathers couch in Taos, New Mexico for the last 5 hours, watching the television, talking to family on the phone, and checking numerous blogs and news sites. I voted absentee almost 2 weeks ago, and have felt pretty confident since that America would make the right choice this time. It was so exciting to be somewhere else in the USA to experience election fever - for me it was the people standing on street corners holding "VOTE NOW" and "Honk for Obama" signs. The streets were filled with the usually annoying sound of honking cars, but today it was music to my ears. The road to recovery for our country is not going to be easy, but it is going to be smoother and more enjoyable with Obama behind the wheel.
Tomorrow we are going to see a white buffalo, and then maybe go see a movie in the evening. This is the third and final stop on our trip, and in each place it has started raining in our final days there. Taos has not let us down, as the warm raindrops started to fall this afternoon. We seriously cannot get away from the fricking stuff. Oh and Tiffany! I am happy to say that my dad has been converting VHS tapes from my childhood to DVD, and my pageant footage was included in it! I was no Sarah Palin, thats fo sho... But you can expect a post in the near future, hopefully including some embedded clips that will forever embarrass and haunt me, but your enjoyment is totally worth it!
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