Blog anniversary
Two years ago today is when i felt strongly enough about the movie "He-Man" that i started a blog... I would just like to thank all of my faithful readers who have made themselves known: Mom, Tiffany B, Karna, Kaleb, oh - all four of you. Well, to you four, thank you - words cant describe the feeling i get when an email from haloscan arrives saying that someone has posted a new comment. And i know there is tons of stuff out there on the internets, i'm lucky to have you stop by at all. Dad, if you're reading this, thank you for the random texts here and there, i love that you got yourself a treo. Bailee, if you read this, thank you for all of your advice and help with my big step into the world of fashion. And zieak, thank you for your love of blogging and showing me all of the neat tricks and sites and doo-dads, your wizardry never ceases to amaze me.
I love you all, and i hope i can continue to keep your readership for the next two years. Maybe this little treasure may help... Does anyone remember this guy from one of my earlier posts?
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