it kinda snowed today
I figure i should get a post out, before i get razzed by karna again.

While out driving by myself in the rental car, i made a wrong turn and ended up headed towards an army base. I didnt know if i would have another chance to turn around, and i noticed armed guards at the little booths ahead, so i flicked my turn-signal on and made a quick left turn on what i thought was an area just for that. Turns out i found one of the 3 round-abouts in america, and at that precise moment an army cop was driving my opposite direction. Lights flashed and my heart jumped into my throat. I have only been pulled over once before, when i was 20. And nothing came of it, i had my brights on while driving through downtown, thats all. Really. Sooooo, this cop takes FOREVER to do whatever cop stuff he has to do in his little cop jeep before getting out and walking ever so slowly up to my window. This whole time i am trying to figure out what i'd done wrong. The only thing i could come up with was i was not wearing my seatbelt. And i always do, that really ticked me off. I figured i was going to get a pretty hefty fine. He explains what i've done, listens to my honest explanation of not knowing it was a round-about, takes my paperwork and license back to his little cop jeep, and takes another eternity doing his cop business. I must have played dumb enough, because he came back and after handing me my stuff said "because you didnt put anybody else in harms way, and you are in a rental car, and you arent from here, i figure you didnt know any better." Thank you SIR. When did america start using round-abouts anyways? I missed that memo.

Oh yeah, i saw a dude today being transported from the jail in handcuffs and one of those super bright orange shirts. He looked like a cat had gone berserk on his face. Cant wait to read the police report this week.