Cena's blog
Swatch dogs and Diet Coke heads
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Accostume party
We decided to throw a pre-funk costume party at our place before everyone hit the bars for the judgings. At first it was just going to be our friday night, tier-one crowd, but word spread and eventually we were expecting quite a few revelers. We came up with some amazing decorative ideas, and here they are...
Doesn't everyone serve guacamole in a doll like this?...

A meat and cheese tray (pink cream cheese slathered on, then thinly sliced ham)...

Doll limbs floating in the punch...

And the drink cooler...

Thursday, October 26, 2006
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Poor little guy
This lost bird ended up in the store the other day. He flew around banging his head on the lights for about a half hour... Eventually he started leaving blood spots on the fixtures. I finally cornered him and threw my jacket over him. His head was just a bloody mess though. We put him outside and he stayed put, breathing fast for a good 15 minutes. He finally flew off into the hard downpour of rain - i doubt he lasted the day.
p.s. those arent my manly, yellow-fingernailed hands.....