Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Come on folks...

I know there is some unwritten rule that you shouldn't write about your workplace on the internet. But when over a third of my day is taken up by it, it is kind of inevitable. Today a woman called asking if we would help her 14-year-old son fill out the signed blank check she was sending him down with "because he must be retarded, hahaha." Now i know this woman, and i know her kid, and he is certainly not retarded. And knowing her, i would put money down on the probability that her kid was standing right there as she spoke on the phone. They really do let just anyone be parents don't they?

Speaking of parents, i had a fabulous reconciliation with my father this last weekend. We did the cheesy tourist thing in seattle along with my sister, like the underground tour, (somehow we got stuck with the guide who is famous for his bad jokes, and boy, were they BAD) the experience music project, and pike's place market. We had just about finished perusing the market when i started the sentence "wow, i didn't smell urine at all this....." and was struck by a putrid whiff of the common smell down in the lower levels. Aaaah, what i know seattle for never lets me down.

Thursday night included drinking pints at my favorite pub on capitol hill, (hell, in all of seattle) clever dunnes. I got to meet up with arturo, bailee's friend who is a boy named will, and her new friend ahe. Those two have the best coincidence/internet/meeting story EVER.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Keanu Reeves said it best

You ever have those times where something so bizarre happens, all you can say is "whoah?" This last week was chock full of them, at least one a day, and it kind of freaked me out, but in a good way.

Monday morning, i put on a t-shirt that has a cartoon owl on it saying "who's dat?" I then sat down at my computer to check my email, and had received a reply to an email i sent at least a month ago with the subject "who's dat?" (i was trying to identify an email address of someone who helped me out with my ipod offers.) It just struck me as weird at the time, because it's not a term i use a lot, and i had completely forgotten about sending the email.

On tuesday, we had lunch at northern lights. Somehow the conversation ended up on the topic of braile, with zieak saying "our fingertips are not sensitive to braile like a blind persons." After work, we went on our weekly salvation army perusal, and zieak opened a childrens book that was in the free pile. On the page was a huge color picture of a spider on a page of braile... "if spiders could read braile..." was the caption. Yeah, i know, weird.

Wednesday morning, i was catching up on some friends blogs, and noticed that karna had not updated since saying she was leaving in so many days. So i texted her, asking if she had left yet. She replied with "Weird. I was just composing a text to you when i got this!" She was in hawaii at the time.

Thursday comes along, and zieak and i decide to sit down and watch a few episodes of family guy. Now, the night before he had posted a blog post about this picture of the general lee from dukes of hazzard. We had searched for the image online instead of just scanning it from the magazine, and i had extra access to their site as a subscriber. Anyways, family guy. This episode we're watching involves the griffins having to relocate to the deep south because someone wants to kill the son. Peter, the father, and Brian, the dog, get their hands on none other than the general lee, and drive it around the entire episode. Zieak and i looked at each other with a look that we were becoming very accustomed to.

Friday night we were both looking to get drunk. We'd both had a hard week at work, and even though he had to "work" as the dj at the harbor, we were looking forward to having a few and socializing. Earlier in the day, i had heard lou reed's "take a walk on the wild side" on kfsk. I was really surprised, considering the second verse talks about candy not losing her head, even when giving head. So i mentioned it to zieak as he was downloading new music, and he grabbed that one too. We arrived at the bar a little early to have a drink together before he started, and the table next to us had obviously been drinking for quite awhile. There were at least four guys, all of which were loud, and julie. She said something about the dj arriving, and one of the guys goes "you got that song by dire straights.... take a walk on the wild side?" with all the other guys going "yeah, yeah, dire straights! doo doo-doo doo-doo doo-doo-doo doo!" *Cue THAT look.* I promptly corrected the group on the artist, and then rushed to the bar to grab a napkin to start jotting down all of these occurances. I knew i had the makings of a blog post.

One productive summer

And after...

Friday, August 12, 2005


As if i'm not sick enough, zieak brings me one of those little religious pamphlets home to read (we are usually just amused by them.) They are always littering the post office floors, and are abound at the salvation army. This particular one is titled "Birds and the Bees," and it's subject matter is "the Gays." Sorry Iain, but i have to voice my disgust over this one. I will probably never pick another one up again. Here are just two sample pages:

No excuses

i am home sick from work today, so i have no excuses to not post an entry. *i just realized that sentence makes it sound like work has made me sick - hmmm...

i have had a dry, hacking cough since monday morning, and it is driving me crazy. i have no health insurance, so i refuse to go to the doctor to have them tell me "drink lots of fluids." the worst part has been not being able to get restful sleep, because my throat feels like it's on fire. i tried the nyquil route last night, but was awakened at 1:20am by zieak shouting "at 300 already!" he's been sleep-talking a lot lately, and the blurts seem to get more loud and urgent each night. the night before he said something about skin-cutting knives. last night i went and got a pad of paper and pen for my side of the bed, so that i can record it when it happens, otherwise i have a hard time remembering what it was he said exactly.

i am going to seattle on the 24th to see my father. he is making the trip up from oregon to see my sister, so we're meeting halfway. the phone conversation we had the other night was great, we both fell right back into being comfortable, catching up, laughing. neither of us had an excuse or reason why we had lost contact, so it was kind of hard to figure out what did happen. the tests of his lymph-nodes came back clear, it had not spread, so that was great news. now we can work on rebuilding a relationship, which i plan on doing plenty of maintenance on year-round.

hmmm, what else? our newspaper this week was frightening, my team came in second in trivia last night (losing to a team called "Bugs & Drooze,) the sun has been shining down all week, i can't stop thinking about the second season of 24 (which we're 3/4 of the way through - f*&%ing good television,) and the cats are being super cute. i leave you now with some kittie pics:

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Today kinda sucked

I guess i can consider myself lucky that in 8 years of driving, this is my first flat tire.