Cena's blog
Swatch dogs and Diet Coke heads
Thursday, April 28, 2005
DIY (front)
More unsightly lattice to remove...and those flower boxes are gone too.

Then to make the inside look purdy...

The porch is really nice, long and wide. But the overhang was so low it didn't allow much afternoon sun. We decided to fix that in one spot...

The privacy railing there in that spot will be coming down too. Then stairs put in around the corner. And a gutter has to be put up. And the wood needs to be sealed. Lots to do.
DIY (back)
I knew this area would be perfect for a hot tub. It's covered, has a door to the inside, and a spicket nearby. So it just needed a deck...

Notice the ugly lattice on the back of the carport? I shudder when i even think about it. It had to go.

We recycled some cedar shakes zieak had lying around. Also, the concrete pieces that came from a sidewalk in town.

Get bent
This stretch of fantastic weather has resulted in a few outdoor DIY projects started at the house. I just hope it continues while i feel all motivated. I changed the wheel on a wheelbarrow yesterday in four minutes flat, yee-haw! Yeah, that probably is one of the lamest things i've ever felt proud of, but i'm learning. I have grease embedded in my thumbprint, even though i've washed my hands at least 5 times. I'm still waiting for zieak to teach me how he never gets splinters, i'm getting at least one a day. I could wear my work gloves, but they get all sticky and sweaty. And they don't allow for my long fingernails, so they get bent. I guess if i want to maintain my girly girl hands, i'll need to put up with the occasional splinter.
Monday, April 25, 2005
I'm so going to blog THIS...
Today at work i got quite a chuckle. A mother and her daughter were in shopping. The mother is toothless, i've never seen her in anything but sweatpants, and she waddles when she walks like she's always in pain. The daughter, who can't be more than 14, is wearing a t-shirt that says "People who think they know everything annoy us that do." Another patron in the store says to the girl, "So ****, are you looking at what college you want to go to?" The mother jumps right in before she could say anything, "She ain't goin to no college!" I could have contained myself, but the customer I was helping at the moment couldn't keep it together either, and we both started giggling. I didn't even pay attention to what was said afterwards, maybe there was a great explanation, but i missed it. In this one instance, i hope this girl defies her parental unit.
Nature walk
I have lived in this house for 19 months, and have never explored my own backyard. Today zieak and i went for a little hike back into the woods, and the cats decided to join us. It is dense forest with a stream running through it, and we came upon several dams put together by beavers. The one we found furthest upstream seemed to the most recent, but it still looked as though it had been abandoned for awhile. The cats really enjoyed slinking around, stalking each other, taking their time, plopping down on a mossy log to rest. Oliver still hasn't returned though. It can't be that comforting at night, when there aren't any sunrays beaming through the trees, or birds chirping, or bugs buzzing. Now i know where my property line ends as well. Lots of land, but no use for swampy muskeg at the bottom of a hill.
Thursday, April 21, 2005
My friend Iain had posted a blog entry awhile back which introduced me to "googlisms." I had never heard of it before, so thank you stonabus! I cheated though, and only picked out the really good ones.
Googlism for: cena
cena is looking at all the different types of gumnuts which we use for money in pickletown *yesssss*
cena is giving canadian flag stickers to mrs walsh
cena is tagged in but the ref didn't see it
cena is shown with a sick smile on his face
cena is also one of the few places in metro manila that serves black paella
cena is spread like an eagle *WTF?*
cena is young and very impressive
cena is sure getting pushed fast
cena is not in the doghouse
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
I'm finally getting porn spam!
Upon returning home from vacation my email inboxes were flooded, mostly surveys and sales. But somehow, my gmail account was given to the right people, and i am now receiving porn site spam. I wondered if the day would ever come. Zieak explained how they encrypt their messages to bypass any spam filters. They try to tell a story or write a letter, and include links to the sites in the text. I was simply amazed at how off-the-wall they get. Here a few examples:
This one is from Kalia with the subject "the free you wouldn't believe it:"
night by teenagers in the off-season, for making out and drinking of my neck. I hear your breathing become steady and very regular and know that to relax in whatever way you choose while Monica sleeps and while I horse goes along the dark tunnel to a small (narrow door size) wall of light and walks through it. I follow him. I find myself in my room - on my bed! The horse at my side, some planks from the wall Peter looked around, now, as his eyes had become accustomed to the darkness. [*inserted porn link here*] final lead had a thermometer type attachment which was to be placed her blouse. She put her blouse in a drawer of the dresser and folded her final lead had a thermometer type attachment which was to be placed full of tears. A song ending. A mans voice on the radio. Have students display their second pictures on the other half of the board.Show them your picture of the number 5. Most pictures her blouse. She put her blouse in a drawer of the dresser and folded her horse goes along the dark tunnel to a small (narrow door size) wall of light and walks through it. I follow him. I find myself in my room - on my bed! The horse at my side, some planks from the wall t7
If that wasn't good enough here's one from Brittany titled "This is mexican girls because it was great:"
under you from the pleasure you keep filling me with. "Please, love, no more",
wondered if, maybe even fantasized, it would happen. Now that it looks like
[*inserted link here*]
formality not meant to be taken seriously.
changed the sheets on the bed and checked the plastic mattress sunglasses, and looked at me. I had been spending the whole time
exploded under their great feet, but they didn't give a back. get out of this changed the sheets on the bed and checked the plastic mattress
The link actually did lead me to some latina tarts. I am getting much amusement from these, but they suddenly stopped about 4 days ago. Maybe because they haven't gotten any money from me?
Jessica Alba has beef-tongue lips
While in Mexico, i tried to keep a running total in my head of some of the sights we witnessed. Sadly, some of the more entertaining ones never increased at all.
-stripclubs visited: 2
-attractive strippers: 0
-boy vomiting poolside: 1
-times vomit was walked thru by his sister: 2
-moonlit walks on beach: 1
-eye-widening shooting stars: 1
-fantastic mullets: 1
-rockin' mustaches: too numerous
-female topless sunbathers: 1
-painfully sunburned people: 4 (including me)
-times we had to say "no, gracias" to peddlers during one meal: 12
-cuban cigars smoked by zieak: 1/2