Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Feeling the love

I would like to express just how proud i am of my siblings.

I always knew my brother had massive talent in the writing field, and to be honest, sort of silently disapproved when he was all about entering the technology field. But he has since changed his brilliant mind, and is majoring in journalism at Western Washington. My mom was kind enough to send me a copy of the snazzy little zine my sister's company puts out, Gravitate. He conducted an interview with a NW band that was printed up in the free magazine. It doesn't showcase his true writing talent, but hopefully will open doors that will. I am so very proud of him for making the decisions he has.

My sister, i think, is wise beyond her years. Even though she may be experiencing hardships of her own, she is always there for me with kind words, and i can never thank her enough for that. I won't go into her job on here, but she has a great one which sends her all over the country. I wish her all the best in the future, we all should be doing something we love.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Traveling without moving

bold the states you've been to, underline the states you've lived in and italicize the state you're in now...

Alabama / Alaska / Arizona / Arkansas / California / Colorado / Connecticut / Delaware / Florida / Georgia / Hawaii / Idaho / Illinois / Indiana / Iowa / Kansas / Kentucky / Louisiana / Maine / Maryland / Massachusetts / Michigan / Minnesota / Mississippi / Missouri / Montana / Nebraska / Nevada / New Hampshire / New Jersey / New Mexico / New York / North Carolina / North Dakota / Ohio / Oklahoma / Oregon / Pennsylvania / Rhode Island / South Carolina / South Dakota / Tennessee / Texas / Utah / Vermont / Virginia / Washington / West Virginia / Wisconsin / Wyoming / Washington D.C /

Go HERE to have a form generate the HTML for you.

Foot and mouth

Our local radio station KFSK has started an annual fundraiser where community members donate art pieces which are then auctioned off with all of the proceeds going to the volunteer station. I hadn't heard about it until this year, but decided i would like to donate. I have had this one piece kicking around since Sam and i first moved in together, i'm thinking it must have belonged to his ex-stepfather. I was not attached to it at all, and it was a nicely framed watercolor, so i assumed it would be an appreciated donation.

On my daily bank run yesterday, i asked the teller how her weekend was. Now, i've known this girl since high school, and we chat politely all the time, so i would consider her more than just an acquaintance. She proceeded to tell me that she attended the art auction, got really drunk, and ended up spending a lot of money for quite a few pieces. I ask about her new art collection, and she says "i got a few really nice ones, but then one REALLY bad one," with a look of disgust. By this time all of the other tellers had tuned in to the conversation also.

Of course, it was the one I had given. She told me all about it while i stood listening intently. Her whole table had joked about how bad it was, so her boyfriend bid on it with her number as a joke, and ended up winning it for $25. "It's this logger guy kneeling down in a patch of mushrooms, with this purple fairy on his shoulder, so it looks like he's totally tripping..." I couldn't contain my smile anymore, so i leaned in and said "i donated that piece." The look on her face and the laughter that erupted from the other tellers was priceless. It took some reassuring to convince her that i wasn't offended, that i also thought it was bad, thus giving it up.

"Fantasie ist wichtiger als Wissen." -Albert Einstein

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Man pleasin'

I have a pair of chest waders kickin around that take up alot of space. I decided to try and utilize the new auction feature on, so did a search on google for "ranger chest waders" to see what they may be going for new and used. To my surprise, the first listings that showed up belonged to this guy.

*Disclaimer: Do not attempt if allergic to old-man ass.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Amsterdam and beyond

It seems the cool thing to do lately is share stories from your past on your blog. So, in my never-ending attempt to be a cool kid, here goes:

I back-packed across Europe with my then-boyfriend and 4 of his friends from Maine in the fall of 1996. I won't use names, and i also don't ever see him stumbling across this thing, so i feel ok about sharing this. But since i'll be referencing him, i'll call him Jude. Amsterdam is a favorite destination of back-packing kids, whether you smoke pot or not. Amazing museums, architecture, people, and of course, coffeeshops. I regret now that of all the countries I visited, I have absolutley no photos from this one. Well, we all had a pretty great time while there. All except Jude.

Our first day there we indulged at a coffeeshop, and upon exiting, he dropped to his knees. He stayed there for a good 5 mintues, unable to speak aloud to tell me what was wrong. Later he would explain that when we stepped into the bright sunlight, his vision slowly changed from color to black and white, like someone dragged a squeegee down and erased all the color. It understandably freaked him right out. After he recovered normal vision, we continued with our day like nothing had happened.

There were 3 girls, and 3 guys. We all decided to have a "girls/guys night." To cut this short, us girls had a fabulous time, and the guys tried, they really did. They pooled all of their money trying to hire a hooker for the one that was single, but came up too short. So they ended up just drinking in the hostel we were staying at. When we got back there, they were asleep. But while putting my clothes away, i noticed the pants Jude was wearing that evening were soaking wet. I panicked, and paced back and forth, wondering what could have happened. I finally calmed down enough to wake him up, thinking he must have gotten so drunk he fell in the canal or something. Turns out he did get incredibly drunk, but only enough to pee his pants. And his solution? Climb in the shower...with his pants on. Mystery solved.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Whack it!

My friends throw the greatest parties. A homemade boob pinata!

Friday, March 11, 2005


Friday is here again already. My brother quit smoking cigarrettes. My gum is stale. Hopefully I have some fresh stuff in my purse. But now I just want a coke. Bugger.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Hypothetically speaking...

Lets say, that after you get to work and check your GMail and Yahoo! accounts that you run to the washroom to go "number 2". Whilst on the toilet, you discover that you put your underwear on inside out. What would you do? (other than curse Victoria's Secret for making their bikini briefs so comfortable, that is)

1. Ignore this oversight for the day, and hope that it doesn't come back to haunt you
2. After getting off the toilet, take off your shoes, pants and panties, flip the panties, get re-dressed and proceed with your day
3. Whilst still on the toilet, take off your shoes, pants, and panties, flip the panties and put back on (scrunched to ankle level, of course)

This didn't happen to me, or anyone i know...

Bipeds masticating

Have you ever eaten caribou? It makes for some killer spaghetti.

To Eternia and back

I - have - the powaaa! Last night we watched Masters of the Universe, the motion picture. I was unaware this movie existed until recently, and when i came across it dvd shopping i had to have it. I was a huge fan of He-Man, Teela, Man at Arms and the rest as a kid, so i had high expectations for this film. Let me just say, it has left me feeling fuller as a person, but also experiencing a peculiar crush on '87 Dolph Lundgren. He was rockin the platinum blonde mullet, rippling muscles, and really bad acting skills. It also featured Courteney Cox, before she got all anorexic and maternal. Coco's mother was a vision in a pink sweater, jean skirt, and fully hairsprayed hairstyle. I was surprised at the quality of special effects considering the year it came out. It also seems like they spent a lot on costumes, (but not a lot on Dolph's, luckily) it was very entertaining. I did notice the apparent lack of He-Man's trusty tiger side-kick Battle Cat. They must have spent too much on Courteney's harispray and ran out of funding. One of my favorite parts was when the janitor (much of it takes place in present-day) gets punched in the face by one of Skeletor's baddies, and flies backwards into a door. But when the camera angle changes to the other side of the door, he comes flying through face first. Brilliant.

Good journey.