Monday, March 19, 2007

Any reason to make a few bucks...

AGLOCO is here!

AGLOCO stands for A Global Community. It is a bit of software that you download, resulting in a Viewbar on your screen that will give you a share of the income it earns.

The Viewbar features privacy protection, spyware protection, phishing protection, member IM and voice communications, RSS feeds, broadcast communication, community tips and other functions.

When you run the Viewbar, AGLOCO will pay to you to surf the web (currently up to 5 hours/month). Once the five hours are up, you can turn the Viewbar off until next month. However, you also make money on all the time the people you refer spend surfing, and on their referrals, and so on, down to 4 levels. There is no cap on how much you can make this way.

Once you sign up you will be given a user ID. Use this ID to sign up other people. The easiest way to do that is the put the ID into the URL. For example. is my URL. Just replace the BBCQ3475 with your ID and you’ll get credit for whomever signs up from your link.

You can sign up for AGLOCO here.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

End of an era

With my purchase of Pangea comes the departure of the current owner, Margaret Harris. I'm sure i'm not the only one who will be sad to see her go, but from the sounds of it she is super excited, and i know she'll do well down in oregon. At lunch the other day, Rob Schwartz came over to our table and shared a little story - many many years ago, when he was just 7 or 8, his grandparents owned a laundromat where Napa is today. He can remember Margaret working there, and said that he learned "many new words" from hanging out there as a child. I personally dont have any entertaining stories involving her, and i'm sure theres way too many for tiffany to share, but this is just a little note to express that she will be missed.

Bacon on a plane

Last night, i dreamt that i was walking through a city in southern europe, and there was a tall mangy-looking bear in the town square playing a cello. As i walked past him, someone else in the square said my name really loudly and everyone stopped and knelt on one knee with their heads bowed. I was embarrassed because i was just wearing a t-shirt and some quilt thing wrapped around my legs. I'm sure something else happened, but the next thing i remember is being on a plane, and the lead singer from Europe (big 80s hair and all) is sitting next to me. He asks what i have in my suitcase, and i open it up - revealing a case full of leafy greens, creamy caesar dressing, and juicy, full strips of bacon. I cant touch the bacon becuase i am on a diet, so i am tortured by the smell and look of it. I'm sure the fact that i am dieting in real life was the cause of such a horrific, unimaginable situation. Later on, i am in the yard of someone getting married in petersburg, and everybody is decorating, and being all jolly, and i look up and there are flaming missiles coming down from the dark sky. The father of the bride is directing someone on where to put a table and umbrella, and just says "oh, as long as those hit 100 miles away, we wont feel the fallout." Maybe this diet is messing with my mind.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Blog anniversary

Two years ago today is when i felt strongly enough about the movie "He-Man" that i started a blog... I would just like to thank all of my faithful readers who have made themselves known: Mom, Tiffany B, Karna, Kaleb, oh - all four of you. Well, to you four, thank you - words cant describe the feeling i get when an email from haloscan arrives saying that someone has posted a new comment. And i know there is tons of stuff out there on the internets, i'm lucky to have you stop by at all. Dad, if you're reading this, thank you for the random texts here and there, i love that you got yourself a treo. Bailee, if you read this, thank you for all of your advice and help with my big step into the world of fashion. And zieak, thank you for your love of blogging and showing me all of the neat tricks and sites and doo-dads, your wizardry never ceases to amaze me.

I love you all, and i hope i can continue to keep your readership for the next two years. Maybe this little treasure may help... Does anyone remember this guy from one of my earlier posts?

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Yay for me

What did YOU do to celebrate International Womens Day? I woke up, showered, tidied up the house a bit, drove into town to do some errands, came home, fixed lunch for zieak, tinkered around on the internet, did some laundry, fixed dinner for zieak, did the dishes, and just got done reading from a book on dieting published in 1985. I somehow managed to accomplish all of the chores that women were known for in the 40s and 50s without even knowing what day it was!

Friday, March 02, 2007

Last day

Last day, originally uploaded by cena76.

Wednesday was my last day at the drugstore. There was food, balloons, flowers, and a card that made me cry. When you work somewhere for that long, your co-workers feel almost like family. It will be strange not to see them as often as i'm used to. Unemployment has been treating me well since then, I could definitely handle it on a long-term basis. Especially since the last two days have been anything but a vacation. Nothing but paperwork, phone calls, laundry, meetings.... but I am not complaining by any means. If this is what it takes to become my own boss than I can certainly handle it!